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BETA Italian-English translation for: to wish sb a happy birthday
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Dictionary Italian English: to wish sb a happy birthday

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augurare buon compleanno a qn.to wish sb. a happy birthday
Partial Matches
Unverified Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!Happy birthday!
Unverified Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!Happy Birthday!
Auguri di buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo!Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
compleanno {m}birthday
desiderio {m}wish
allegro {adj}happy
contento {adj}happy
felice {adj}happy
gioioso {adj}happy [joyful]
lieto fine {m}happy ending
dare una mano a qn.to give sb. a hand
mandare un messaggio a qn.to send a message to sb.
loc. tenere a freno qn./qc.to keep a tight rein on sb./sth.
Unverified Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!Many happy returns!
Unverified Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!Many happy returns of the day!
rivolgersi a qn.to address sb.
fumetti lett. F Il compleanno di Asterix & Obelix - L'albo d'oroAsterix and Obelix's Birthday: The Golden Book
scrivere a qn.to write (to) sb.
dare fastidio a qn.to annoy sb.
riferirsi a qc.to refer to sb.
mentire a qn.to lie to sb.
dare la colpa a qn.to blame sb.
affollarsi attorno a qn.to flock around sb.
assieme a qn./qc. {adv}with sb./sth.
avvicinarsi a qn./qc.to approach sb./sth.
assomigliare a qc./qn.to resemble sth./sb.
chiedere scusa a qn.to apologize to sb.
sottoporre qn. a qc.to submit sb./sth.
fare il solletico a qn.to tickle sb.
sorridere (a qn./qc.)to grin (at sb./sth.)
riferito a qn./qc.referred to sb./sth.
sussurrare qc. a qn.to whisper sth. to sb.
ascoltare a qn./qc.to listen to sb./sth.
ricordare qc. a qn.to remind sb. of sth.
fatturare qc. a qn.to invoice sth. to sb.
tendere a qc./qn.to tend to sth./sb.
sottomettere qc. a qn.to submit sth. to sb.
brindare a qn./qc.to drink to sb./sth.
simile a qn/qc {conj.}similar to sth./sb.
mettere a repentaglio qn./qc.to jeopardize sb./sth.
paragonare a qn./qc.to compare to sb./sth.
appartenere a qn./qc.to belong to sb./sth.
corrispondere a qn./qc.to correspond with sb./sth.
grazie a qn./qc. {prep}owing to sb./sth.
primeggiare qn. a qc.to lead sb. to sth.
rispondere a qn./qc.to reply to sb./sth.
fare male a qn./qc.to hurt sb./sth.
riferirsi a qc./qn.to relate to sth./sb.
prestare qc. a qn.to lend sth. to sb.
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