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BETA Italian-English translation for: to tend to sth sb
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Dictionary Italian English: to tend to sth sb

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tendere a qc./qn.to tend to sth./sb.
Partial Matches
tendere ato tend to
avere una inclinazione perto tend to
prendersi cura di [persona malata]to tend [sick person]
isolare (qn./qc.) da qc.to isolate (sb./sth.) from sth.
gareggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
rivaleggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
Unverified qn./qc. andòsb./sth. went
velare qn./qc.to veil sb./sth.
deridere qn./qc.to deride sb./sth.
prescegliere qn./qc.to select sb./sth.
bypassare qn./qc.to bypass sb./sth.
trattare qn./qc.to treat sb./sth.
rispettare qn./qc.to respect sb./sth.
spedire qn./qc.to send sb./sth.
prescegliere qn./qc.to choose sb./sth.
boicottare qn./qc.to boycott sb./sth.
incantare qn./qc.to enchant sb./sth.
riunire qn./qc.to reunite sb./sth.
spaurire qn./qc.to terrify sb./sth.
rifiutare qn./qc.to refuse sb./ sth.
pettinare qn./qc.to comb sb./sth.
sporcare qn./qc.to dirty sb./sth.
abbozzare qn./qc.to sketch sb./sth.
incantare qn./qc.to charm sb./sth.
rovinare qn./qc.to ruin sb./sth.
sfidare qn./qc.to defy sb./sth.
toccare qc./qn.to touch sth./sb.
menare qn./qc.to lead sb./sth.
salvare qn./qc.to rescue sb./sth.
sport allenare qn./qc.to train sb./sth.
qn./qc. èsb./sth. is
trasportare qn./qc.to transport sb./sth.
abbruttire qn./qc.to brutalize sb./sth.
avvertire qn./qc.to feel sb./sth.
conciliare qn./qc.to conciliate sb./sth.
lamentare qn./qc.to lament sb./sth.
trasportare qn./qc.to drive sb./sth.
rifiutare qn./qc.to reject sb./sth.
sotterrare qn./qc.to bury sb./sth.
salvare qn./qc.to safeguard sb./sth.
normalizzare qn./qc.to normalize sb./sth.
fraintendere qn./qc.to misunderstand sb./sth.
cavare qn./qc.to extract sb./sth.
sopportare qn./qc.to endure sb./sth.
riguardare qn./qc.to regard sb./sth.
limitare qn./qc.to limit sb./sth.
perseguitare qn./qc.to dog sb./sth.
contenere qn./qc.to contain sb./sth.
diffamare qn./qc.to slander sb./sth.
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