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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: to spread sth
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Dictionary Italian English: to spread sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 1198  >>


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med. propagare qc. [infezione, germi]to spread sth.
spiegare qc.to spread sth. [unfold sth.]
spalmare qc. [burro ecc.]to spread sth. [butter etc.]
Partial Matches
espandereto spread
estendersito spread
stendereto spread (out)
dilagareto spread [be rampant]
fis. Unverified arricchire qc. con qc. [fig.]to enrich sth. with sth.
fis. Unverified arricchire qc. di qc. [fig.]to enrich sth. with sth.
connettere qc. a qc.to link sth. to sth.
scartare intorno sth.to swerve around sth.
isolare (qn./qc.) da qc.to isolate (sb./sth.) from sth.
gareggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
rivaleggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
erasth. was
passare qc.to relay sth.
inzuppare qc.to soak sth.
infarinare qc.to flour sth.
vietare qc.to prohibit sth.
cominciare qc.to commence sth.
svuotare qc.to empty sth.
adacquare qc.to water sth.
vantare qc.to boast sth.
richiudere qc.to reclose sth.
decorare qc.to decorate sth.
discutere qc.to discuss sth.
scaricare qc.to unload sth.
intraprendere qc.to undertake sth.
evidenziare qc.to highlight sth.
mus. interpretare qc.to perform sth.
vuotare qc.to empty sth.
elettr. scaricare qc.to discharge sth.
interpretare qc.to interpret sth.
mobili arredare qc.to furnish sth.
firmare qc.to sign sth.
addobbare qc.to adorn sth.
confermare qc.to confirm sth.
fingere qc.to feign sth.
cancellare qc.to delete sth.
appoggiare qc.to lay sth.
vietare qc.to forbid sth.
archeo. edil. scavare qc.to dig sth.
versare qc.to spill sth.
versare qc.to pour sth.
accendere qc.to ignite sth.
restringere qc.to narrow sth.
spazzare qc.to sweep sth.
proclamare qc.to declare sth.
sbattere qc.to slam sth.
proclamare qc.to proclaim sth.
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