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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: to give sb strength
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to give sb strength in other languages:

English - Italian
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Dictionary Italian English: to give sb strength

Translation 1 - 50 of 690  >>


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dare la carica a qn. [loc.]to give sb. strength
Partial Matches
abbracciare qn.to give sb. a hug
dare qc. a qn.to give sb. sth.
dare qc. a qn.give sth. to sb.
dare qn. per mortoto give sb. up for dead
telecom. chiamare qn. [telefonare]to give sb. a call [telephone call]
telecom. chiamare qn. [telefonare]to give sb. a bell [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]
telecom. chiamare qn. [telefonare]to give sb. a ring [Br.] [coll.] [telephone]
dare qc. da fare a qn.to give sb. sth. to do
gastr. dare qc. da mangiare a qn.to give sb. sth. to eat
gastr. dare qc. da bere a qn.to give sb. sth. to drink
Unverified dare la vita per qn./qc.to give one's life for sb./sth.
dare tutto se stesso a qn./qc.to give one's all to sb./sth.
dare a qn. il permesso di fare qc.to give sb. permission to do sth.
dare una mano a qn.to give sb. a hand
dare uno schiaffo a qn.to give sb. a slap
fare una promessa a qn.to give a pledge to sb.
loc. prof. mandare qn. a spasso [coll.] [licenziare]to give sb. the sack [coll.]
dare una carica di legnate a qn.to give sb. a (good) hiding
possanza {f}strength
forza {f}strength
energia {f} [forza]strength
dareto give
sprigionareto give off
brillareto give light
cedereto give in
testimoniareto give evidence
emettereto give out
cedereto give way
abbandonareto give up
suscitareto give rise to
dare qc.to give sth.
disperareto give up hope
partorireto give birth to
arrendersito give up [surrender, relinquish]
rinunciare a qc.to give up sth.
darsi per vintoto give in [to pressure]
cedere qc. [turno]to give up sth.
produrre qc. [angoscia]to give rise to sth.
Unverified non arrendersi facilmenteto not give up easily
dare corpo a qc.to give substance to sth.
archi. dare su qc. [finestra, casa]to give onto sth.
dare (il) via liberato give the green light
concedersi un momento di respiroto give oneself a breathing space
Unverified accogliere calorosamente un ospiteto give a guest a warm welcome
darsi una ravviata ai capellito give one's hair a comb
Unverified potresti rendermi la penna?could you give me back my pen?
Me ne sbatto le palle. [volg.]I don't give a shit! <idgas> [vulg.]
Unverified prendere qn./qc. per qn./qc. [scambiare]to mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth.
Me ne sbatto le palle. [volg.]I don't give a monkey's (fart)! [vulg.]
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