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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: socchiudere qc
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Dictionary Italian English: socchiudere qc

Translation 1 - 50 of 1206  >>

socchiudere qc. [chiudere parzialmente]to leave sth. ajar
socchiudere qc. [chiudere parzialmente]to shut to sth. [Br.] [not quite closed]
Partial Matches
socchiudere [occhi]to squint [reaction to strong light]
gareggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
rivaleggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
isolare (qn./qc.) da qc.to isolate (sb./sth.) from sth.
qualcosa {pron} <qc.>something <sth.>
malgrado qc. {prep}despite sth.
nonostante qc. {prep}despite
qc. èit's [it is]
abbinare qc.to match sth.
abbrustolire qc.to roast sth.
abbrustolire qc.to toast sth. [roast sth.]
abolire qc.to abolish sth.
abolire qc.to abrogate sth.
accantonare qc.to set aside sth.
accantonare qc.to shelve sth.
accendere qc.to ignite sth.
accendere qc.to light sth.
accentuare qc.to emphasize sth.
accorciare qc.to shorten sth.
accumulare qc.to accumulate sth.
acquisire qc.to acquire sth.
acquistare qc.to purchase sth.
adacquare qc.to irrigate sth.
adacquare qc.to water sth.
addobbare qc.to adorn sth.
addolcire qc.to sweeten sth.
adornare qc.to adorn sth.
affiggere qc.to attach sth.
affiggere qc.to paste sth. up
affiggere qc.to pin sth. up
affiggere qc.to post sth. up
affumicare qc.to cure sth. [treat with smoke]
aggiungere qc.to add sth.
allargare qc.to enlarge sth.
allentare qc.to loosen sth.
allestire qc.to dress qc. [eg. a window]
alterare qc.to alter sth.
alzare qc.to raise sth.
amare qc.to love sth.
ammorbidire qc.to soften sth.
analizzare qc.to analyse sth. [Br.]
analizzare qc.to analyze sth. [Am.]
analizzare qc.to test sth. [analyze sth.]
naut. ancorare qc.to anchor sth.
aliment. gastr. stupef. annacquare qc.to adulterate sth. [foodstuffs, drugs, spirits, etc.]
annaffiare qc.to water sth.
annotare qc.to note down sth.
annullare qc.to call sth. off
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