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Dictionary Italian English: out of date

Translation 1 - 50 of 332  >>

ADJ   out-of-date | more out-of-date | most out-of-date
SYNO   out-of-date | outdated | superannuated
vecchio {adj}out-of-date
Partial Matches
fuori servizio {adj} {adv}out of service
vietato {adj}out of bounds [pred.]
fuori servizio {adj} {adv}out of order <OOO>
Non se ne parla!Out of the question!
gastr. sfornare qc.to take sth. out of the oven
dato {m}date
bot. T
scadenza {f}expiration date
fuori {adv}out
Attenzione!Look out!
Attenzione!Watch out!
Unverified sbottareto burst out
uscireto come out
emettereto give out
uscireto go out
reggere [durare]to hold out
impostare [progettare]to plan out
telecom. squillare [telefono]to ring (out)
stendereto spread (out)
stendereto stretch (out)
esausto {adj} {past-p}worn out [exhausted]
scoppiareto break out [fig.]
ripescare qc.to fish out sth.
mettere in ordine qc.to sort out sth.
primeggiareto stand out [excel]
consumareto wear out [consume]
erompere in piantoto burst out crying
ripescare qc. [fig.]to dig out sth. [fig.]
spegnersito go out [light, fire]
cavarsela [fig.] [coll.]to make out [manage, fare]
risolvere qc.to sort out sth. [resolve]
rivoltare qc.to turn sth. inside out
elaborare un pianoto work out a plan
compilare qc.to fill out sth. [complete sth.]
spiegare qc.to lay out sth. [unfold sth.]
spiegare qc.to open out sth. [unfold sth.]
togliere qc.to take out sth. [remove sth.]
consumare qc.to wear out sth. [consume sth.]
sport Unverified rimessa {f} dal fondo [calcio]kick out [goalkeeper] [football / soccer]
attacare qn./qc.to hit out at sb./sth.
criticare qn./qc.to hit out at sb./sth.
Unverified mettere in ordine i capelli di qn. [pettinare]to sort out sb.'s hair
cavare qn./qc.to take out sb./sth. [extract sb./sth.]
Non esco quasi mai in questi giorniI hardly ever go out these days
di {prep} [possesso]of
dimentico {adj}forgetful (of)
ignaro di {adj}ignorant of
anziché {conj} [invece di]instead of
invece di {prep}instead of
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