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Dictionary Italian English: get

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

NOUN   a get | gets
VERB  to get | got | got/gotten [Am.] ... 
riportareto get
ottenere qc.to get sth.
2 Words: Others
Buona guarigione!Get well!
2 Words: Verbs
riottenereto get back [regain]
sporcarsito get dirty
scoraggiarsito get discouraged
ingrassare [aumentare di peso]to get fat
indignarsito get indignant
smarrirsito get lost [go astray]
sposarsito get married
innervosirsito get nervous
inforcare qc. [bicicletta, motocicletta, cavallo]to get on sth. [bicycle, motorcycle, horse]
superare qn./qc.to get over sb./sth.
rallentareto get slower
sbrigare qc.to get sth. done
consumare qc.to get through sth. [waste sth.]
svestirsito get undressed
alzarsito get up
guarireto get well
3 Words: Others
Guarisci presto!Get well soon!
Rimettiti presto!Get well soon!
3 Words: Verbs
prendere piedeto get a foothold
cosm. tagliarsi i capellito get a haircut
venire dimesso [dal carcere, ospedale]to get laid off [from prison, hospital]
Unverified arrabbiarsi per qc.to get miffed at sth. [coll.]
lasciare in pace qn.to get off sb.'s back [coll.]
dare ai nervi / sui nervi a qn.to get on sb.'s nerves
sbarazzarsi di qn./qc.to get rid of sb./sth.
demoralizzareto get someone down
Unverified combinare qc. [coll.] [fare]to get up to sth. [coll.] [do]
abituarsito get used to
4 Words: Verbs
Unverified IncazzarsiTo get pissed off
salire in una macchinato get into a car
infognarsi [coll.]to get into a mess [coll.]
loc. uscire dal seminato [deviare dall'argomento]to get off the track [get off the subject]
loc. rimetterci le penne [fig.]to get one's fingers burnt [fig.]
5+ Words: Others
Non deprimerti per le sue critiche!Don't let his criticism get you down!
Non farti buttare giù dalle sue critiche!Don't let his criticism get you down!
Come ci arrivo?How do I get there?
Mi dispiace, non ho capito.I'm sorry, I didn't get that.
Unverified una volta che abbiamo installato il computer, possiamo iniziareonce we get the computer installed, we'll be in business
loc. Senza sforzo non si ottiene nulla.You won't get anywhere if you don't try.
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