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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: collegare con qn qc
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collegare con qn qc in other languages:

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Dictionary Italian English: collegare con qn qc

Translation 1 - 50 of 1034  >>

collegare con qn./qc.to link up with sb./sth.
collegare con qn./qc.to link with sb./sth. [link up with sb./sth.]
Partial Matches
collegare con qn.to associate with sb. [fig.]
collegare qn./qc.to join sb./sth. [connect, unite]
collegare a qn./qc.to connect to sb./sth. [link to sb./sth.]
collegare a qn./qc.to relate to sb./sth. [fig.]
lamentarsi di qn./qc. con qn.to complain about sb./sth.
gareggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
rivaleggiare con qn./qc. in qc.to rival sb./sth. in sth.
convergere (con qn./qc.)to converge (with sb./sth.)
deliziare qn. con qc.to delight sb. with sth. [amuse]
paragonare con qc./qn.to compare with sth./sb.
Unverified accordarsi con qn. su qc.to arrange with sb. about sth.
collegareto colligate
amoreggiare con qn.to flirt with sb.
flirtare con qn.to flirt with sb.
schierarsi con qn.to side with sb.
simpatizzare con qn.to sympathize with sb.
confrontarsi con qc.to discuss sth.
gonfiare con qc.to swell with sth.
chiudere qc. con il chiavistelloto latch sth.
fare la civetta con qc.to flirt with sb.
staccare qc. con un morsoto bite sth. off
isolare (qn./qc.) da qc.to isolate (sb./sth.) from sth.
Unverified qn./qc. andòsb./sth. went
qn./qc. danneggiatosb./sth. damaged
qn./qc. èsb./sth. is
secondo qn./qc. {prep}according to sth./sb.
abbozzare qn./qc.to sketch sb./sth.
abbruttire qn./qc.to brutalize sb./sth.
accarezzare qn./qc.to cherish sb./sth.
accerchiare qn./qc.to encircle sb./sth.
accerchiare qn./qc.to surround sb./sth. [encircle sb./sth.]
sport allenare qn./qc.to train sb./sth.
ammettere qn./qc.to admit sb./sth.
analizzare qn./qc.to examine sb./sth. [analyze sb./sth.]
aspettare qn./qc.to wait for sb./sth.
assic. assicurare qn./qc.to insure sb./sth.
attacare qn./qc.to hit out at sb./sth.
attrarre qn./qc.to attract sb./sth.
avvertire qn./qc.to feel sb./sth.
avvistare qn./qc.to sight sb./sth.
boicottare qn./qc.to boycott sb./sth.
bypassare qn./qc.to bypass sb./sth.
bypassare qn./qc.to circumvent sb./sth. [bypass sb./sth.]
cavare qn./qc.to extract sb./sth.
cavare qn./qc.to take out sb./sth. [extract sb./sth.]
cercare qn./qc.to search for sb./sth. [look for sb./sth.]
circondare qn./qc.to encircle sb./sth. [surround sb./sth]
circondare qn./qc.to enclose sb./sth. [surround sb./sth.]
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