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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: .In
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Dictionary Italian English: In

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ADJ   in | more in | most in
in larghezzaacross
in mezzo a {prep}among
in senso antiorario {adv}anticlockwise [Br.]
in qualunque momento {adv}anytime
in sbieco {adj} {adv}askew
in anticipo {adv}beforehand
in senso orario {adj} {adv}clockwise
in omaggio {adj}complimentary [free of charge]
Unverified in continuazione {adv}constantly
Unverified in continuazione {adv}continuously
in senso antiorario {adj}counterclockwise [Am.]
in sbieco {adv}diagonally
in primo piano {adj}foreground
in avanti {adv}forward
in genere {adv}generally
in {prep}into
in sbieco {adv}obliquely
Unverified in parte {adv}partially
Unverified in parte {adv}partly
in pianta stabile {adj} [inv.]permanent
in pianta stabile {adv}permanently
in tinta unita {adj}plain [coloured]
in realtà {adv}really
in pianta stabile {adj} [inv.]regular
in pianta stabile {adv}regularly
Unverified in modo ripetitivo {adv}repetitively
in silenzio {adv}silently
in pianta stabile {adv}stably
psic. in modo subconscio {adv}subconsciously
in seguito {adv}thereafter
in {prep}to
in direzione di {prep}towards
in definitiva {adv}ultimately
in salita {adv}uphill
material Unverified in vimini {adj}wicker
lasciare qc. (in eredità)to bequeath sth.
andare in biciclettato bike
prendere in prestito qc.to borrow sth.
mettere qn. in cateneto chain sb.
edil. andare in rovinato collapse
automob. traff. entrare in collisione [veicoli]to collide
mettere in dubbioto doubt
mettere qn. in imbarazzoto embarrass sb.
entrare in qc.to enter sth. [a room]
cadere in un erroreto err
essere bocciato a / in qc.to fail sth. [not pass]
mettere qc. in primo pianoto foreground sth.
entrare in qc. [club, partito]to join sth.
avere qc. in contrarioto mind
mettere in ordine qc.to neaten sth.
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