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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: [sg.]
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Dictionary Italian English: [sg]

Translation 1 - 69 of 69


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il tuo {pron}your [sg]
capelli {m.pl}
hair {sg}
archeo. biol. scienza archeogenetica {f}archaeogenetics [treated as sg.]
astron. fis. scienza astrofisica {f}astrophysics [treated as sg.]
sport atletica {f} leggeraathletics {pl} [Br.] [treated as sg.]
sport atletica {f}athletics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
mil. caserma {f}barracks {pl} [often treated as sg.]
editoria libri scienza bibliometria {f}bibliometrics [treated as sg.]
anat. bicipite {m}biceps {sg}
bioetica {f}bioethics {sg}
biogenetica {f}biogenetics {sg}
biol. scienza biometria {f}biometrics {pl} [treated as sg.]
bionomia {f}bionomics {sg}
biol. fis. scienza biofisica {f}biophysics [treated as sg.]
biol. scienza stat. biostatistica {f}biostatistics [treated as sg.]
geogr. Caraibi {m.pl}Caribbean {sg}
chim. chemometria {f}chemometrics [treated as sg.]
biol. cladistica {f}cladistics [treated as sg.]
econ. scienza stor. cliometria {f}cliometrics [treated as sg.]
coriandoli {m.pl}confetti [treated as sg.]
tenebre {f.pl}darkness {sg}
educ. didattica {f}didactics [treated as sg. or pl.]
sport tuffi {m.pl}diving {sg}
comp. geogr. scienza geomatica {f}geomatics [treated as sg.]
comm. articoli {m.pl} di merceriahaberdashery {sg} [Br.] [goods]
ferrame {m}hardware {sg} [metal goods]
cuffia {f} {sg} [per ascoltare]headphones {pl}
guai {m.pl}jam {sg} [coll. for: difficult situation]
conoscenze {f.pl}knowledge {sg}
gastr. crauti {m.pl}kraut {sg}
latino {m} {sg}Latin [language]
rifiuti {m.pl}litter {sg}
fis. meccanica {f}mechanics [treated as sg.]
numismatica {f}numismatics {pl} [usually treated as sg.]
educ. scienza pedagogia {f}pedagogics [treated as sg.]
fis. geol. scienza petrofisica {f}petrophysics [treated as sg.]
gastr. crauti {m.pl}sauerkraut {sg}
gastr. frutti {m.pl} di mareseafood {sg}
gastr. crauti {m.pl}sourcrout {sg}
trasporti {m.pl}transportation {sg}
problemi {m.pl}trouble {sg} [problems]
attr. pinzetta {f}tweezers {pl} [sg. or pl. in constr.]
vertigini {f.pl}vertigo {sg}
Unverified posizione {f}whereabouts [treated as sg. or pl.] [of a person]
Unverified vimini {m.pl}wicker {sg}
ling. scienza zool. zoosemiotica {f}zoosemiotics [treated as sg.]
2 Words: Nouns
scienza africanistica {f}African studies {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
nozioni {f.pl} fondamentalibasic knowledge {sg}
fis. meccanica {f} classicaclassical mechanics [treated as sg.]
scienza fisica {f} cristallinacrystal physics [treated as sg.]
pompieri {m.pl}fire brigade {sg}
pompieri {m.pl}fire company {sg}
pompieri {m.pl}fire department {sg}
educ. studi {m.pl} di generegender studies [treated as sg. or pl.]
biochim. scienza genetica {f} molecolaremolecular genetics [treated as sg.]
fis. scienza fisica {f} molecolaremolecular physics [treated as sg.]
fis. fisica {f} nuclearenuclear physics [treated as sg.]
forze {f.pl} di pacepeacekeeping force {sg}
dir. forze {f.pl} di poliziapolice force {sg}
biol. scienza sociol. genetica {f} delle popolazionipopulation genetics [treated as sg.]
fis. meccanica {f} quantisticaquantum mechanics [treated as sg.]
fis. scienza fisica {f} quantisticaquantum physics [treated as sg.]
anat. vie {f.pl} aeree [vie respiratorie]respiratory tract {sg}
anat. vie {f.pl} respiratorierespiratory tract {sg}
allarmismo {m}scare tactics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
astron. fis. fisica {f} solaresolar physics [treated as sg.]
previsioni {f.pl} del tempoweather forecast {sg}
orario {m} di lavoroworking hours {sg}
3 Words: Nouns
cassettiera {f}chest {sg} of drawers
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