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BETA Italian-English translation for: [am]
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Dictionary Italian English: [am]

Translation 1 - 50 of 375  >>

analizzabile {adj}analyzable [Am.]
archeo. archeologico {adj}archeological [Am.]
archeo. archeologicamente {adv}archeologically [Am.]
fichissimo {adj} [coll.]awesome [Am.] [coll.]
grandioso {adj}awesome [Am.] [coll.]
comportamentistico {adj}behavioristic [Am.]
condominio {m}condominium [Am.]
in senso antiorario {adj}counterclockwise [Am.]
difendibile {adj}defensible [Am.]
favorevole {adj}favorable [Am.]
prediletto {adj}favorite [Am.] [attr.]
grigio {adj}gray [Am.]
med. ematologico {adj}hematological [Am.]
onorevole {adj}honorable [Am.]
indifendibile {adj}indefensible [Am.]
indifendibilmente {adv}indefensibly [Am.]
med. ischemico {adj}ischemic [Am.]
laboriosamente {adv}laboriously [Am.]
arrabbiato {adj}mad [Am.]
magnifico {adj}marvelous [Am.]
meraviglioso {adj}marvelous [Am.]
esiguo {adj}meager [Am.] [exiguous]
Miao!Meow! [Am.]
formabile {adj}moldable [Am.]
multicolore {adj}multicolored [Am.]
alitoso {adj}odorous [Am.]
treno ferroviario {adj}railroad [attr.] [Am.]
saporito {adj}savory [Am.]
saporoso {adj}savory [Am.]
contrario {adj}unfavorable [Am.]
irrealizzato {adj}unrealized [Am.]
utilizzato {adj} {past-p}utilized [Am.] [used]
analizzareto analyze [Am.]
analizzare qc.to analyze sth. [Am.]
esplorare qc.to analyze sth. [Am.]
blindare qc.to armor sth. [Am.]
telefonareto call [Am.]
carbonizzare qc.to carbonize sth. [Am.]
avvantaggiareto favor [Am.]
favorireto favor [Am.]
piacereto favor [Am.]
privilegiareto favor [Am.]
insaporireto flavor [Am.]
onorare qn./qc.to honor sb./sth. [Am.]
Unverified mettere in ordine qc.to organize sth. [Am.]
esercitareto practice [Am.]
programmareto program [Am.]
trasferirsi [cambiare residenza]to relocate [Am.]
gustareto savor [Am.]
accoppare qc. [coll.] [uccidere]to waste sb. [Am.] [sl.] [kill]
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