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Dictionary Italian English: [a]

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acciaccato {adj}aching [of a person]
sotto {adv} [in un testo] below [later in a text]
di seguito {adv} [in un testo] below [later in a text]
più avanti {adv} [in un testo] below [later in a text]
entro {prep}by [indicating a deadline]
accogliente {adj} {pres-p}cosy [of a place] [Br.]
accompagnatorio {adj}covering [of a letter]
disattivato {adj} {past-p}disarmed [of a bomb, etc.]
percorribile {adj}drivable [of a road]
accogliente {adj} {pres-p}friendly [of a person]
madornale {adj} [enorme] [a.e. errore]huge [e.g. mistake]
volante {adj}loose [of a page]
transitabile {adj}negotiable [of a path etc.]
abitato {adj} {past-p}occupied [as in a building]
vecchio {adj} [rif. a vestiti, o consumato]outworn
transitabile {adj}passable [of a path etc.]
percorribile {adj}passable [of a road]
praticabile {adj}passable [of a road]
accogliente {adj} {pres-p}pleasant [of a place]
ottimistico {adj} [rif. a persona]sanguine [optimistic]
affilato {adj} [a.e. coltello]sharp
sottile {adj}slender [of a person]
sottile {adj}slim [slender] [of a person]
lanciato {adj}speeding [of a vehicle]
emicranico {adj}splitting [of a headache]
fermo {adj} [bloccato] [a.e. pratica]still [without movement]
forastico {adj}timid [of a person]
impraticabile {adj}unplayable [of a sport]
inestinguibile {adj} [a.e. sete, fuoco]unquenchable [i.e. thirst, fire]
forastico {adj}unsociable [of a person]
accogliente {adj} {pres-p}welcoming [of a person]
to stamp [a ticket]
allegare [file]to attach [a file]
tradire qn./qc. [a.e. amico, segreto]to betray sb./sth. [f.i. friend, secret]
aero. naut. imbarcarsi suto board [a ship, plane]
aero. naut. salire a bordo dito board [a ship, plane]
montare suto board [a train, bus, car]
salire suto board [a train, bus, car]
pigolareto cheep [of a bird]
obliterareto clip [a ticket]
Unverified concorrere [partecipare]to compete [participate in a competition]
esaurire [e.g. portare a termine]to conclude
guizzareto dart [of a fish etc.]
allestire qc.to dress qc. [eg. a window]
guizzareto flicker [of a flame]
tec. colare [rif. a metalli]to pour [rare] [cast metal]
forare [fare un buco a, obliterare]to punch
percepire qc.to receive sth. [e.g. a sum of money]
ricambiare qc. [auguri, cortesia, favore]to reciprocate sth. [sb.'s feelings, a favour, etc.]
cavalcareto ride [on a horse, mule etc.]
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