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Dizionario inglese-italiano

BETA Italian-English translation for: [OR-6]
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Dictionary Italian English: [OR 6]

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Partial Matches
chim. acido {m} tellurico [H6TeO6, Te(OH)6]telluric acid
esiguo {adj}slender [amount or scope]
archi. tec. officina {f}workshop [room or building]
macedone {adj}Macedonian [of or related to Macedonia]
noi stessi {pron}ourselves [emphatic or reflexive]
insopportabile {adj}unaffordable [of price or cost]
sport atletica {f}athletics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
educ. didattica {f}didactics [treated as sg. or pl.]
corsia {f}lane [of racktrack or motorway]
riflessione {f}reflection [careful thought or consideration]
attr. pinzetta {f}tweezers {pl} [sg. or pl. in constr.]
archi. tec. officina {f}work shop [room or building]
oggettivo {adj}objective [of or relating to an object]
coppa {f}dish [for, or of, ice cream]
vest. tacco {m}heel [of a shoe or boot]
pilone {m}pier [of an arch or bridge]
scienza africanistica {f}African studies {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
gastr. grigliata {f} mistamixed grill [meat or fish]
allarmismo {m}scare tactics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
angolatura {f}angle [of a camera or television shot]
angolazione {f}angle [of a camera or television shot]
spia {f}gauge [in a car or other electric device]
spia {f}indicator [in a car or other electric device]
spia {f}light [in a car or other electric device]
posizione {f}whereabouts [treated as sg. or pl.] [of a person]
aero. astronau decollare [aereo o razzo]to lift off [aircraft or rocket]
educ. studi {m.pl} di generegender studies [treated as sg. or pl.]
crepuscolo {m}twilight [transition between day and night, or vice versa]
torso {m} [di mela o pera]core [of an apple or a pear]
amm. dir. questura {f}police headquarters {sg} [treated as sg. or pl.]
campagnola {f}countrywoman [a woman living or born in a rural area]
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